Embarking on a journey through graduate school is a significant undertaking, filled with challenges and opportunities for growth. In a recent podcast episode of Victors in Grad School, Dr. Christopher Lewis sat down with Ja’Nel Jamerson, the CEO of the Flint Center For Educational Excellence, to delve into Ja’Nel’s educational journey and the lessons he
Posts Tagged: undergraduate work
From Teacher to Learner: Sasha Wakefield’s Path to Continuing Education
Embarking on the journey of graduate education is a significant milestone in one’s life. It is a pathway filled with self-exploration, knowledge acquisition, and transformation. In the podcast episode featuring Sasha Wakefield, a high school math teacher from Clio, Michigan, her story reflects the essence of this transformative journey. With a passion for learning and
Marsha Hare’s Journey: Balancing Work, Grad School, and Success in Information Resource Management
Entering graduate school is a significant step in one’s academic and professional journey. It requires careful consideration, motivation, and a clear vision of how it will contribute to personal and career growth. In this week’s Victors in Grad School Podcast, Marsha Hare, an international logistics analyst with XPO Logistics, shares her inspiring journey from undertaking
Tips for Success in Graduate School and Resources to Explore: Insights from Samara Hough
Entering graduate school is a significant decision that often requires careful planning, finding the right resources, and making the necessary adjustments for success. In a recent episode of “Victors in Grad School,” hosted by Dr. Christopher Lewis, the conversation with Samara Hough, the director of the Center for Gender and Sexuality at the University of
Achieving Success: Insights from Rehan Kodil’s Path to an MBA in Organizational Leadership
Graduate school can be a transformative journey, filled with challenges and opportunities for growth. In this blog post, we delve into the experiences and insights of Rehan Kodil, a Master of Business Administration (MBA) student specializing in Organizational Leadership at the University of Michigan Flint. Through Rehan’s journey, we’ll explore the reasons for pursuing graduate
Quion Wheeler’s Journey in Public Administration and Law Enforcement
The transition from undergraduate to graduate school can be challenging and daunting, especially for first-generation college students. In this blog post, we will delve into the experiences of Quion Wheeler, a detective and school resource officer with the Pontiac School District, who pursued a master’s degree in public administration at the University of Michigan’s Rackham
Building Skills Through Graduate Education to Lead Organizations With Brandee Cooke-Brown
In this episode of Victors in Grad School, We welcome Brandee Cooke-Brown, the Executive Director of 100k Ideas, a nonprofit organization in Flint, Michigan. We discuss Brandee’s journey from her undergraduate education at the University of Michigan to her decision to pursue a master’s degree after several years of working. Brandee explains that her path
Mastering Time Management: Leslee Whetstone’s Key to Graduate School Success
In this episode of Victors in Grad School podcast, Dr. Christopher Lewis, the Director of Graduate Programs at the University of Michigan Flint, speaks with Leslee Whetstone, the Associate Director of Undergraduate Admissions at the University of Michigan Flint. They discuss Leslie’s journey from earning a Bachelor of Arts in History to pursuing a Master’s
From Undergraduate to Ph.D.: How Grace Carey, Ph.D. Found Success in Graduate School
In this episode of Victors in Grad School podcast, Dr. Christopher Lewis interviews Dr. Grace Carey about her educational journey and career. Dr. Carey began her academic path at the University of Michigan Flint, earning a bachelor’s degree in anthropology and sociology with a minor in international and global studies. She later pursued a Ph.D.
Exploring Different Avenues: Lora Phelps’ Path to a Master’s Degree in Public Administration
Welcome to another exciting episode of the Victors in Grad School podcast! In this episode, our host, Dr. Christopher Lewis, sits down with a special guest, Lora Phelps, an early college dual enrollment coordinator. Lora shares her journey from undergraduate to graduate school, discussing the pivotal moments and decisions that led her to pursue further education.