Graduate Programs

Blogs from students, faculty & staff

Masters of Business Administration: A Journey of Lifelong Learning and Success

Posted by & filed under Business Administration.

Jennifer Phillips

Embarking on a journey through graduate school can be both challenging and rewarding. In a recent podcast episode of  Victors in Grad School, Jennifer Phillips, a graduate of the University of Michigan Flint’s MBA program, shared her personal journey and the lessons she learned along the way. Her experiences offer valuable insights for current and

From Undergrad to Success: Jeff Sharkey’s Graduate School Journey

Posted by & filed under Business Administration, Podcast.

Jeff Sharkey

The Importance of Continuous Learning In this week’s Victors in Grad School we welcome Jeff Sharkey, Vice President for Tru Treasury, as he shares his insights into the journey of success through graduate school. A key takeaway from his experience is the importance of continuous learning. His decision to pursue a graduate degree was driven