Graduate Programs

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DaMesha with her two children

By DaMesha Jackson

Single Parent Encouragement

After getting divorced in 2012, I knew that I wanted and needed to finish my bachelor’s degree. I continued through my BSW program at the University of Michigan-Flint, and ultimately completed in 2014. After that, I wanted to get my Masters in Social Work to counsel people, specifically families and young adults. I also wanted to earn my Masters in Public Administration to be more equipped to run government, local and nonprofit agencies.

So, I started my journey to both master’s degrees in fall of 2014 at a university a couple of hours away. After a year of being tired from commuting three days out of the week and not being to meet requirements for the social work classes due to the hours not being flexible, and failing my first semester, a door…a miraculous door opened in my life. I got hired in with the State of Michigan, here in Genesee County. I was able to immediately apply and got accepted to the MPA program at the University of Michigan Flint!!

This was great not only for my car, my pockets, but also great for my two children. Continuing my graduate program here at the University of Michigan-Flint was very convenient because I got to work from 8-5, yet still take classes after 5 and on the weekends. I work right downtown and could leave at 5 and be to any class at 5:15! I was also able to put my babies to bed and get them up for school. Besides my degree, that was my best reward.

Be encouraged single parents. Things will work out, it will all come together, just remember to GO BLUE (literally choose U of M); after all it was the best choice for me and my children.

Some steps that I followed were:

If there is a way to work it, then work it. Find classes that interest you AND fit your schedule. They have them.

Try to be consistent with class times. It will help you and your children, and your support that is helping you.

Never give up! A process slowed down is still a process that you can see through until the end.

Where there is a will, there is a way! Get’er done!

And have some faith that it will work out, no matter if you have taken a break, have had children, about to have a child, or anything. Have faith that everything is working out just how it should, even if the way it is working out may not be our perfect way.