Graduate Programs

Blogs from students, faculty & staff

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Khoa (center) with fellow DPT ambassadors

The decision to come back to school after working for several years in the medical device industry was the easy part, following through with it was tough.  Initially I thought that this was some sort of phase that I was going through, a fleeting idea that was not really sensible for a guy who had already graduated and was making a decent income.  I slept on it for a couple of weeks and the thought of becoming a physical therapist didn’t leave my mind.

I really wanted this and so I sat down and planned out the process that would get me to this point.  Working with the Graduate Programs and Physical Therapy admissions offices, I was able to figure out all the prerequisite courses that I would need to take.  It was so helpful to have someone there to act as a guide. The admissions process can be confusing and somewhat expensive, so to have a knowledgeable person available to give accurate information regarding coursework, costs, and schedules was so beneficial.

After figuring out some of the details regarding coursework, the next challenge was balancing several classes with a full-time job.  Life was busy that summer for me but luckily things worked out and I was able to complete the courses with no problems other than lack of sleep.  No big deal.  Several days after completing the courses, I said farewell to friends and co-workers in St. Louis, packed up my stuff, and headed to Michigan.  I haven’t regretted my decision since because the university and its programs have so much to offer! The friendships that I’ve made and the education that I’m receiving have made me feel very confident that I’ve made the right choice.

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“No Regrets”

from Doctor of Physical Therapy / MBA dual student, Khoa Lam