My Flint is a series of events designed to help familiarize faculty, staff and students to the Flint community. If you are currently a faculty/staff member and you are working with students, can you please inform them of these events and ask them to attend? Additionally, if you are interested in exploring the Flint community please be on the lookout for the following activities.
- Taste of Downtown – Join us as we explore Flint’s amazing downtown eateries! This guided walking tour features free food and free gifts! Discover your community, make new friends, and have some fun!
- Farmers’ Market Frenzy: Ever been to the Market? There are more than 30 indoor vendors year round, and in the spring, summer and fall there are approximately 75 vendors outside the market. Come with us and discover one of the most incredible places in the University of Michigan-Flint’s “backyard”.
- ArtWalk: Join us as we explore the arts scene! ARTWALK features a rotating exhibition and takes place the second Friday of every month. It offers live
- music, catered food and beverages. ARTWALK includes Buckham Gallery, Pages Bookstore and other partners — all within two blocks in beautiful downtown Flint!
- Service Saturdays: The University of Michigan-Flint’s Service Saturdays program offers a community service learning experience on the local level during select Saturdays throughout the year. Service Saturdays are open to UM-Flint students, alumni, family, and community members. Participants spend time learning about our urban community and many of the social issues that residents face in Flint. On designated Saturdays, participants will meet at the selected service site to engage in meaningful action towards a greater understanding of root causes of relevant issues. Following the project, participants reflect and analyze social justice issues they experience first-hand.
- Park(ing) Day: – Did you know Flint enjoys more public green space than most cities in the country? To celebrate our wealth of parks, local people are
- creating mini-parks in downtown parking spaces during Park(ing) Day, a national event designed to promote the value of our cities’ parks.
- Flint Cultural Center: The Flint Cultural Center invites you on a journey of discovery and imagination to a place where you can experience entertainment, embrace knowledge, and dream beyond the world you know. As home to a group of nationally-recognized cultural institutions aimed at furthering the arts, sciences and humanities, the FCC offers a truly unique educational and entertainment resource. Through live performances, unique exhibits, classes and more, the FCC brings it ALL within your reach.