UM-Flint students experience voting for the first time

UM-Flint students experience voting for the first time

For many students studying at UM-Flint and the College of Arts & Sciences, the 2020 Presidential Election was their first opportunity to cast a ballot for their elected representatives. Here are just a few of their experiences.

Jeremiah Johnson, Sophomore

“My mom and I woke up early to vote on election day. We voted at the Secretary of State by my high school and I had to wait in a super long line for about an hour. I gave them my ID and after that they gave me a ballot … I was there for a while, but it felt good.”

Jeremiah decided to vote in-person this election year. He woke up early in hopes of being among the first voters in his area. Despite his efforts, voter turnout was record-breaking this year and he had to wait in order for his voice to be heard. Walking out of the Secretary of State, he felt that the opportunity to cast his vote for our elected leaders was worth the wait.

Lauren Mott, Freshman

“I chose to vote in person for this election. My polling place is the local library and I thankfully didn’t have to wait in any lines! I talked to several people in neighboring townships who had to wait outside for over half an hour before they could fill out their ballot. It felt really empowering to be able to vote in my first presidential election, especially one that has had so much importance placed on it. It was great to finally have a say in what goes on in both our state and our country.”

November 3 was an exciting day for Lauren, a first time voter! Lauren felt a sense of empowerment as she cast her ballot for the first time. This election was an amazing opportunity for young adults to showcase their civic engagement and take part in history. The importance of this election motivated her to get out and vote for the values and solutions she supports.

April Bartle, Sophomore

“When I walked into the station, I actually hadn’t registered yet. Thankfully a family friend of ours was there that day volunteering and she helped me fill out the paperwork so I could get the chance and vote for the first time!”

On the day the polls opened, April went to cast her vote with an in-person ballot. Going to the local polling station, she saw a lot of familiar faces volunteering as poll workers and other community members taking part in the election. This was her first experience voting so she didn’t quite know what to expect. After casting her vote and walking out of the polls, April felt something she didn’t quite expect; a true sense of belonging. She felt pride in being part of something bigger than herself and contributing to her community.

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