CAS Staff Spotlight: Lacey Faulkner of UM-Flint History

Meet Lacey Faulkner of the UM-Flint History Department. Not only is she a dedicated part of her department’s mission to serve their students, but she’s soon to be a world traveler!

Lacey Faulkner of the UM-Flint History Department
Lacey Faulkner of the UM-Flint History Department

Lacey will accompany the History Department’s Wyatt Exploration Program students and faculty on their trip to London, England, in May 2016. While there, Lacey will be blogging and posting information on Facebook and Instagram so the UM-Flint campus and community can follow the students’ journey. Their trip will include stops at the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, Kensington Palace, St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Globe Theatre, the National Picture Gallery and the National Archive, Kew Gardens and Palace, and a variety of museums including the Museum of London, the Maritime Museum, and the Imperial War Museum. The students will also have a free time to explore on their own.

When asked about the trip, Faulkner said, “I am so excited for this amazing opportunity and I can’t wait to see how the students grow from this experience!”

Learn more about Lacey below, and keep checking the UM-Flint History pages for updates on this year’s Wyatt trip.

Name: Lacey Faulkner
Title: Administrative Assistant
Department(s): History

Degree(s), Education, or Certification(s):
Bachelor of Science in Health Care Administration from UM-Flint. I am starting my last year in Fall 2016 for my Master’s in Public Administration. I expect to graduate in April 2017.

Ways in which I support or interact with UM-Flint students:
I interact on a daily basis with our students in person along with interactions on our department facebook, twitter, and Instagram. I support the History Club as much as possible along with our interns. I am a main contact for all our Wyatt Travelers before, during, and after their trip.

Ways in which I support or interact with UM-Flint faculty:
I support faculty daily to make sure that they can provide the best education for our students.

Ways in which I am involved with my department or program’s community engagement
I assist in the planning and organizing of our department’s community engagement projects. One of our larger projects that I assist with is Lumber City Base Ball.

What I feel my department or program does best for students:
One thing that I believe my department does best for our students is give them many unique opportunities to learn through the Wyatt Endowment. This amazing endowment has allowed us to offer scholarships and amazing internship opportunities for our students that will help them build their resumes. We also have an unbelievable opportunity for our students to travel with the Wyatt Exploration Program. This program allows our students to put knowledge they have learned in the classroom to practical use. It also gives the students a chance to experience the history and culture on a first hand basis by being submerged in it.

What I hope for my time at UM-Flint:
From my time at UM-Flint, I hope to make a difference for my students. I hope to be a source of knowledge when they don’t know where to go in our big system. I hope to be a motivating figure that keeps them going when they feel they can’t anymore and I hope to be that calming person when the stress is closing in on them.

What I hope for students from my department or program:
I hope for the students from my department to get the best education possible and to be successful in their careers!

Three things you should know about me:
1. I will be traveling abroad for the first time this May to London with our Wyatt Exploration Program. I am very excited and very nervous all at the same time, but it will such a great experience. Also I will be blogging for the first time on this trip, so make sure to watch for it!

2. I have only been an official University Employee since January 2013, but I started working in the History Department as a workstudy student in Fall 2008. Never take for granted those jobs that you thought would not get you any where. They may actually be the best thing that ever happens to you!

3. In my office all of my plants have names. My faculty even talk to them sometimes!

For more information on the UM-Flint History Department and all they offer to students, visit