Get to Know Dr. Rajib Ganguly, Asst. Professor of Physics

Asst. Professor Rajib Ganguly is one of the main organizers of ASTRONITE – a family-friendly open house that celebrates astronomy. This year’s AstroNite will be held on April 25 from 7-10 p.m. Visit the AstroNite page for more information. 

Rajib Ganguly
Title: Assistant Professor of Physics
Department: Computer Science, Engineering, & Physics

Classes I teach: Survey of Astronomy (AST 120), Principles of Physics I (PHY 243), Modern Physics (PHY 343)

Professional Interests, Activities, or Publications: AstroNite – a community outreach promoting astronomy and physics!

Research or Specific Areas of Interest: I am interested in understanding how the biggest black holes in the Universe form/grow and how those processes affect the black hole’s environment.

Degree(s)/Education: Ph.D. from The Pennsylvania State University

Memberships: American Astronomical Society, Astronomical Society of the Pacific

How I fell in love with my field: There were a few factors. It is unlikely that any astronomer in my generation doesn’t point to the broadcast of the original Cosmos television program with Carl Sagan as a significant source of inspiration. Coupled with my father also being a scientist (a geologist), that really nurtured my own curiosity and desire to be an astronomer. Another factor was a friend of the family, who is also an astronomer. He and Dr. Sagan certainly provided a lot of inspiration.

What I hope for my time at UM-Flint: I hope that I am here long enough that it is too early for me to be thinking about my legacy at UM-Flint now…

What I hope for students in my field: I hope that they make the most out of every opportunity to gain experiences, to learn something new, not only about the Universe, but also about themselves.

Three things you should know about me:

  • I never have enough student participation in my research.
  • I’m probably the only person inside a 30 mi radius that has worked with the Hubble Space Telescope.
  • I’m an avid fan of science fiction, in spite of (or maybe because of) my training in the sciences. My wife claims that I can identify any Star Trek episode given just a few lines of dialog, or seeing a few seconds on TV.
