Serving students and faculty since 1971

Lead Balloon Descending by Barry Smith

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This poem was the 1st Place Winner in our 4th Annual Poetry Contest.   Flint and Steel was a Match– recycle ‘em now, substitute the strength for rust, reuse the dust in a length of pipe and pump poison through the latch.   Better Men Built the City on a Tilt– spin the wager over

The Chase by Chris Warber

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This poem was the 2nd Place Winner in our 4th Annual Poetry Contest.   Strange to say, but at the start of this maze I was seated Reading feverishly, at every break I only seemed more defeated The more I read, the less I knew The less I said, the lower I flew Down came

Coming Full Circle by Marybeth Phillips

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This poem was the 3rd Place Winner in our 4th Annual Poetry Contest. At the age of seventeen, I started my life, Intending to be a professional, Instead, I became a wife.   I cooked, I cleaned, I ironed, I sewed, I raised three children, I carried quite a load.   While others graduated And

Creating Ownership in Your Writing

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I am always reading. By reading, I don’t mean that I’m simply reading my favorite Kurt Vonnegut book or articles about the Detroit Lions. I’m reading advertisements, texts messages, quotes posted inside of high school classrooms, and 140 character tweets. These readings may seem diverse and disconnected, but they all have a common factor. They

Collaboration is Key

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When deciding what to write about in this blog post, I experienced a case of writers block. Collaboration quickly became the remedy to my problem. After collaborating with colleagues, I had my answer: collaboration as it relates to education, knowledge, professional success, and making connections. During my time in academia, I have made connections with

Meet Tyrice

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Tyrice. A former Mott tutor turned good at the Marian E. Wright Writing Center. He is a junior here at UM-Flint majoring in political science. He is an introvert at heart and has his position here to thank for making him talk to people. He enjoys hip hop music, football and his Netflix guilty pleasure

Busy Semester(s)

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I have had Writer’s Block for quite some time now regarding the content of this blog post. On top of the Writer’s Block, I have also not had time to write anything up. When it comes to writing freely, I need time to brainstorm and think of the perfect topic. However, if the topic is

Advisory Warning: Creative Writing

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This semester, I did something crazy: I signed up for a creative writing class, on purpose.   The reason this is insane is because while I do some creative writing, I, like many writers, do not want to share it. My creative writing is personal more often than not and it can be tough to

Finding Time to Write: College Edition

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I have been told numerous times that the more I read, the better I write and the more I write the better at it I become. I believed it then and I still believe it but there is a problem with it as a college student. I don’t have a lot of time to write.