Serving students and faculty since 1971

Writing Center Guide for Changing a Light Bulb

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  Realize that changing a light bulb is never easy or predictable. When changing a light bulb one can never follow a guide sheet that some other light bulb changer typed up when he had nothing to do. Introduce yourself and make sure to get the light bulbs name. Find out when the new light

Purposeful Statement

Posted by & filed under Stress Relief.

Sometimes, getting started is the worst part of writing.  I always tell writers I work with to first figure out what you are going to say and then worry about how you are going to write it.  Sounds simple enough. But, what if you have no idea of what you want to say? Often, I

What The #$*&! Am I Going To Write About?

Posted by & filed under Stress Relief, Uncategorized.

Sometimes, I really loathe writing. I tend to cycle through insufferable stages of insecurity. Typically, this downward spiral that tests the strength of my sanity begins when I feel like I have no idea of what I want to say. There is nothing more terrifying to a writer than the realization, “I lost my voice.